Sunday 26 October 2014

A Student Mum ....and Good old Guilt

The washing has almost grown legs and the ironing is overflowing, where's mum ? Oh she gone to school! No time for cleaning or washing or planning Annabelle carmel dinners, beans on toast will do tonight! Every morning at half 5 mums up, packs the lunch boxes along with her books, walks out the door and run's for the number 9! Lilah couldn't stop me even if she tried she practically drowning in the piles of washing ! 

Any one else feel the guilt of it all?!?! More then anything right now I want to be a midwife but that doesnt stop me feeling guilty about leaving lilah to go study! Shes is that bit older now which does make it easier but still that longing to be that brilliant mum AND a midwife is a bloody pull!

But as they all say its the future I need to think about and its true, I want to inspire Lilah, I want to watch her face admiring me on my graduation day, I want her to see she can do anything, when you put your mind to it.

Iv got an image in my head, a picture of me standing under a tree on a sunny day, in my graduation gown, Jordan in a suit and Lilah in a dress ....... half the time, picturing this is the only thing that makes me stick at it.

I'll get there...... we'll all get there :) 

SO tips for a Student mum.....

Don't multitask We all know women can do it all. That doesn't mean you have to do it all at the same time! Dont trying to study while you make dinner, check your emails, chatting to the girls. If your brain is busy doing other things, you'll miss half of what you should be taking in. So make assign time to sit and do little bits at a time and do them in a certain area you made for your self to study..... I upcycled an old bureau to sit at.

The hardest part of studying is always getting started. Create a schedule for studying. If you sit down to study at the same time every day, it'll be easier to get into study mode.

And just don't punish yourself or make yourself feel awful about something that slipped your mind....things will be late and you will miss things and making your self feel worse about this is not going to improve it


Seasonal Children's books

So I had a light bulb moment while drinking my Tea! 

I wanted to introduce Lilah to reading a bit more than just a bed time story. So we pulled out her book case and revamped it! 

Because I am slightly obsessed with the autumn/ winter months I thought it would be a good idea to teach Lilah about the season's through books. Trailling through Amazon I found some beautiful books all to do with Fall/autumn, pumpkins, foraging, Halloween and Thanksgiving (have always wanted to celebrate this) !

We then went to the park near us and collected conkers, acorns, and leaves to decorate the book case with.

Cuddling with your kids, watching them become engrossed in a story told to them from their own parents animated character vocie, is a priceless experience. More and more studies are proving how beneficial reading with a parent is for developing children. 

A child who has been read to will want to learn to read herself. She will want to do what she sees her parents doing. Reading increases a child's attention span and a parent's own cognitive ability, It is one of the most essential and valuable activities kids can inherit from parents simply by observing them being engrossed in a book or magazine. 

When we pack away the Halloween decorations this year, I will be pulling on the Winter/Christmas books to re doctorate this book case with. I wanted to conitue to rotate this books throughout the year with New year, Valentines day, Spring, Summer and so on 

The books in this picture were all purchased on Amazon:
Maisys, Trick or Treat
Beware Beware 
Let it Fall
The Berebatain Bears - Thanksgiving 
Pumpkin Soup
The haunted House
Squirrel's Autumn Search
Halloween Surprise

Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Love affair with Autumn

Hellooo out there! 
currently sat at the laptop annoyed that iv left it so long since the last post... really need to get on top of the blog post's and make a schedule now I am back at university! However here I am with cuppa tea beside me ready to spew out the latest of my, away with the fairies nonsense!

First of all hope your all having a beautiful beauitfullll autumn! What have you all been up too ?! This time of year, through till after new year is by far, BY FAR my favourite time of year,  and this is my favourite autumn snap this year !

My Beautiful Lilah after our autumn forage 

One of the best days this autumn was Jordan winning tickets to go see an American football game in London, It was the Miami dolphons vs Oakland raiders. There was a competition on twitter for who twitted the meaning of NFL would win four ticket, a meal and cocktails at coast to coast. Jordan enter not thinking much more of it... but a few days later he actually won! being the first thing he had won since a tidy room competition at school! 

It was amazing, we have always wanted to see an American football game, its on the lists of things we need to do but don't have the doller for right now. 

Still till this day I watch at least an episode of Friends everyday, every night I put one series on to watch and drift off to sleep watching, so I loved pretending in my own little head that I was in america back in the 90's, at thanksgiving watching the game .... I know sad right ?! but so time;s I so wish I could have lived in new york in the 80's/90's    

So here are the pictures hope you're all having an amazingly beautiful Autumn/Fall